About me
I am currently a Maitre de Conferences (Assistant Professor) at Télécom Paris (Institut Polytechnique de Paris) where I develop novel interaction techniques in Virtual and Augmented Reality. I received my PhD in Information Systems and Computer Engineering from Instituto Superior Técnico, University of Lisbon. My main interests include Virtual Reality, 3D User Interfaces, Augmented Reality and Human Computer Interaction.
(2024-Present) Yawen Li - Virtual Reality Remote Collaboration in Public Settings - PhD in Informatique et Reseaux at Institute Polytechnique de Paris
(2024-Present) Fabio Vangi - Remote Collaboration in Virtual Environments - Visiting PhD from Politecnico di Bari
Exploring User Placement for VR Remote Collaboration in a Constrained Passenger Space D Medeiros, G Wilson, M Sousa, N Pantidi, D Drago, M McGill and S Brewster ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology (ACM VRST 2024) * Best paper Award [pdf]
The Social Impact of Extended Reality Spatial Productivity in Constrained, Public and Passenger Spaces D Medeiros, G Wilson, S Brewster and M McGill IEEE Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces Conference Extended Abstracts 2024 (IEEE VR 2024) [pdf]
Surveying the Social Comfort of Body, Device, and Environment-Based Augmented Reality Interactions in Confined Passenger Spaces Using Mixed Reality Composite Videos D Medeiros, R Dubus, J Williamson, G Wilson, K Pohlmann and M McGill ACM Interact. Mob.Wearable Ubiquitous Technol. 7, 3, Article 113 (September 2023), 25 pages. https://doi.org/10.1145/3610923 [pdf]
The Benefits of Passive Haptics and Perceptual Manipulation for Extended Reality Interactions in Constrained Passenger Spaces D Medeiros, G Wilson, M McGill, and S Brewster 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (ACM CHI 23) [pdf]
VRChoir: Exploring Remote Choir Rehearsals via Virtual Reality.s T Di, M Sousa, D Medeiros, T Grossmanr 2023 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces Abstracts and Workshops (VRW) [pdf]
Magic: Manipulating avatars and gestures to improve remote collaboration C Fidalgo, M Sousa, D Mendes, R K dos Anjos, D Medeiros, K Singh, J Jorge 2023 IEEE Conference Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces (VR) [pdf]
A Lack of Restraint: Comparing Virtual Reality Interaction Techniques for Constrained Transport Seating G Wilson, M McGill, D Medeiros, S Brewster IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 29 (5), 2390-2400 [pdf]
Privacy-Enhancing Technology and Everyday Augmented Reality: Understanding Bystanders' Varying Needs for Awareness and Consent J O'Hagan, P Saeghe, J Gugenheimer, D Medeiros, K Marky, M Khamis, M McGill ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies [pdf]
PassengXR: A Low Cost Platform for Any-Car, Multi-User, Motion-Based Passenger XR Experiences M McGill, G Wilson, D Medeiros, SA Brewster ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (ACM UIST 2022) [pdf]
From Shielding to Avoidance: Passenger Augmented Reality and the Layout of Virtual Displays for Productivity in Shared Transit D Medeiros, M McGill, A Ng, R McDermid, N Pantidi, J Williamson, and S Brewster 2022 IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR) [pdf]
The Passenger Experience of Mixed Reality Virtual Display Layouts in Airplane Environments A Ng, D Medeiros, M McGill, J Williamson, and S Brewster 2021 IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR) [pdf]
Creating and Augmenting Keyboards for Extended Reality with the Keyboard Augmentation Toolkit M McGill, S Brewster, D Medeiros, S Bovet, M Gutierrez, and A Keihoe ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction (TOCHI)
Spectator View: Enabling Asymmetric Interaction between HMD Wearers and Spectators with a Large Display F Welsford-Ackroyd, A Chalmers, R K. dos Anjos, D Medeiros, H Kim and T Rhee 2021 ACM Interactive Surfaces and Spaces Conference (ACM ISS 2021) [pdf]
Remote XR Studies: The Golden Future of HCI Research? F Mathis, X Zhang, J O'Hagan, D Medeiros, P Saeghe, M McGill, S Brewster, and M Khamis CHI 2021 Workshop on XR Remote Research [pdf]
Promoting Reality Awareness in Virtual Reality Through Proxemics D Medeiros, R dos Anjos, N Pantidi, K Huang, M Sousa, C Anslow, and J Jorge IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces, 2021 [pdf]
TeleGate: Immersive Multi-User Collaboration for Mixed Reality 360° Video H Kim, J Young, D Medeiros, S Thompson, T Rhee IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces, 2021 [pdf]
Reconstructing Reflection Maps using a Stacked-CNN for Mixed Reality Rendering A Chalmers, J Zhao, D Medeiros, and T Rhee IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 2020 [pdf]
Augmented Virtual Teleportation for High-Fidelity Telecollaboration T Rhee, S Thompson, D Medeiros, R dos Anjos and A Chalmers IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics Special Issue on the IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces, 2020 [pdf][presentation]
Improving Camera Travel for Immersive Colonography S. Paulo, D Medeiros, P Borges, J Jorge and D Lopes IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces, 2020 [pdf]
Asymmetric Interaction between HMD Wearers and Spectators with a Large Display F Welsford-Ackroyd, A Chalmers, R K. dos Anjos, D Medeiros, H Kim and T Rhee IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces, 2020 [pdf]
Magic Carpet : Interaction Fidelity for Flying in VR D Medeiros, M Sousa, A Raposo and J Jorge IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 2019 [pdf][presentation]
Usability studies on building early stage architectural models in virtual reality R Klerk, A M Duarte, D P Medeiros, J P Duarte, J Jorge and D S Lopes Elsevier Automation in Construction, Vol 103. 2019 . [pdf]
Anatomy studio: A tool for virtual dissection through augmented 3D reconstruction E R Zorzal, M Sousa, D Mendes, R dos Anjos, D Medeiros, S Paulo and P Rodrigues, J Mendes, V Delmas, J Uhl, J Mogorrón, J Jorge, D Lopes Elsevier Computers and Graphics, Vol.85, 2019 . [pdf]
LINACVR: VR Simulation for Radiation Therapy Education H Bannister, B Selwyn-Smith, C Anslow, B Robinson, R K dos Anjos, D Medeiros, P Kane and A Leong 25th ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology, 2019 [pdf]
OORT: An Air-flow based Cooling System for Long-term Virtual Reality Sessions H Kloskowski, D Medeiros and J Schoning 25th ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology, 2019 [pdf]
Adventures in Hologram Space: Exploring the Design Space of Eye-to-eye Volumetric Telepresence R dos Anjos, M Sousa, D Mendes, D Medeiros, M Billinghurst, C Anslow and J Jorge 25th ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology, 2019 [pdf]
A Distributed Approach for Automatic Speed Adjustment During Navigation in 3D Multiscale Virtual Environments H Taunay, D Medeiros and A Raposo 2019 21st Symposium on Virtual and Augmented Reality (SVR) [pdf]
Underwater Toolkit: Mixed Reality Object Blending for 360 Videos S Thompson, A Chalmers, D Medeiros and T Rhee 2019 IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR), 74-82 [pdf]
Keep my head on my shoulders! Why third-person is bad for navigation in VR D Medeiros, RK dos Anjos, D. Mendes, J Pereira, A Raposo and J Jorge VRST'2018 - ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology [acm] [video] [pdf]
Interaction Techniques for Immersive CT Colonography: A Professional Assessment. D S Lopes, D Medeiros, S Paulo, P Borges, V Nunes, V Mascarenhas, M Veiga and and J Jorge Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention – MICCAI 2018. MICCAI 2018. [pdf]
Design and evaluation of novel out-of-reach selection techniques for VR using iterative refinement. D Mendes, D Medeiros, M Sousa, E Cordeiro, A Ferreira and J Jorge Elsevier Computers & Graphics, 2017. [pdf] [video]
PRECIOUS! Out-of-reach Selection using Iterative Refinement in VR. D Mendes, D Medeiros, M Sousa, E Cordeiro, A Ferreira and J Jorge IEEE Symposium on 3D User Interfaces (3DUI), 2017. [pdf]
Mid-air Modeling with Boolean Operations in VR. D Mendes, D Medeiros, M Sousa, R Ferreira, A Raposo, A Ferreira and J Jorge IEEE Symposium on 3D User Interfaces (3DUI), 2017. [pdf] [video]
Creepy Tracker Toolkit for Context-aware Interfaces M Sousa, D Mendes, RK dos Anjos, D Medeiros, A Raposo, A Ferreira, J Pereira and J Jorge ACM Interactive Surfaces and Spaces (ISS), 2017 [acm] [video] [github] [pdf]
Evaluation of Travel Techniques for Virtual Reality. E Cordeiro, D Medeiros, D Mendes, M Sousa, A Raposo, A Ferreira and J Jorge Encontro Português de Computação Gráfica(EPCG), 2016. [pdf]
Effects of Speed and Transitions on Target-based Travel Techniques. D Medeiros, E Cordeiro, D Mendes, M Sousa, A Raposo, A Ferreira and J Jorge ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology (VRST), 2016. [pdf]
Perceiving Depth: Optical versus Video See-through. D Medeiros, M Sousa, D Mendes, , A Raposo, A Ferreira and J Jorge ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology (VRST), 2016. [pdf]
SleeveAR: Augmented Reality for Rehabilitation using Realtime Feedback. M Sousa, J Vieira, D Medeiros, A Arsénio and J Jorge ACM Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI), 2016. [pdf]
Remote Proxemics. M Sousa, D Medeiros, A Raposo and J Jorge Chapter in Collaboration Meets Interactive Spaces, Springer, 2016 [pdf]
Beyond Eery Space: Applying Gradual Engagement to Remote Proxemics. M Sousa, D Medeiros, A Raposo and J Jorge Collaboration meets Interactive Surfaces Workshop, ACM Interactive Tabletops and Surfaces(ITS), 2015. [pdf]
Beyond Post-It: Structured Multimedia Annotations for Collaborative VEs. J Guerreiro D Medeiros, M Sousa, D Mendes, I Santos, A Raposo and J Jorge Eurographics Symposium on Virtual Environments(EGVE), 2014. [pdf]
A Robotics Framework for Planning the Offshore Robotizing using Virtual Reality techniques. I Santos, M Galassi, F Carvalho, L Hsu, D Medeiros, A raposo, F Lizzaralde, P From, G Freitas, T A Antonio, R Costa and G Ribeiro. Offshore Technology Conference, 2013. [pdf]
A Tablet-Based 3D Interaction Tool for Virtual Engineering Environments. D Medeiros, F Carvalho, L Teixeira, A Raposo and I Santos 12th International Conference on Virtual Reality Continuum and Its Applications in Industry - VRCAI '13. [pdf] [video]
Proposal and evaluation of a tablet-based tool for 3D virtual environments. D Medeiros, F Carvalho, L Teixeira, P Braz, A Raposo and I Santos SBC Journal on 3D Interactive Systems, 2013. [pdf]
A Case Study on the Implementation of the 3C Collaboration Model in Virtual Environments. D Medeiros, E Ribeiro, P Dam, R Pinheiro, M Loaiza and A Raposo SBC Symposium on Virtual and Augmented Reality (SVR 2012), 2012. [pdf] [video]
Fidelity of Travel in Virtual Environments (PHD THESIS) D Medeiros, Supervisors: Joaquim Jorge and Alberto Raposo Instituto Superior Tecnico, University of Lisbon 2019 [pdf]